Title: Stepping Out of the Pages
By: Karen K. Satterlee
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Stepping Out of the Pages by Karen K. Satterlee
brings Old and New Testament Bible characters to life through a series of
fascinating monologues without compromising Scriptural truths. Revealing each character’s thoughts,
feelings and perspective, these stories bring understanding, faith and hope to
readers. All the monologues are meant to be read individually or within a Bible
Study Group. At the end of the book, a Study Guide is presented to bring a
deeper study into each storyline. Inevitably, a chapter will bring light and
life to your heart!
Beginning with Miriam’s perspective of watching her mother
place baby Moses in the Nile, the author continues with Mary’s plight as the
mother of Jesus. Divided into 7
sections, the author shares insight into some well-known Biblical figures, and
some others you may have never head of.
Such Biblical characters as the prodigal son are shared, continuing into
the parable of the Great Banquet, and insights into Mary of Bethany (The
Alabaster Box), Mary of Magdala, Jared’s lunch, Pilate’s Wife, Salome, the
dinner guests at Emmaus, Elisha and the widow’s oil, the healing of Naaman, the
raising of Lazarus, Midnight Praises (the Philippian jail), a miracle in Cana,
the woman with the issue of blood, the Schunemite woman, Lot’s wife and much
more with stories on Heaven’s bread (the role of bread in the Bible), the
wedding garment (being properly dressed for the wedding Banquet). The last
chapter ends in an encouraging challenge to use what God gives us.
This book is creative and unique, in that the author helps
readers identify with these characters of the Bible that will bring insight and
revelation into their own circumstances. The Biblical principles are not
compromised, which gives a fascinating viewpoint of why these stories were
written – they were written for us: to teach, instruct, edify and comfort. The
author also has done an excellent job in providing metaphors that relate to our
modern life today, bringing these ancient Biblical characters into our every
day life, thus revealing a relevancy that stands the test of time and gives
readers the truth of God’s Word.
The author also recommends that these monologues can be used
and portrayed in churches as skits to bring meaning and understanding in a
creative and artistic framework that can be performed in full costume on the
stage. This book comes highly recommended as a book that brings glory and honor
to God.